CWJJ Ep 14 - Jim & James Origins

February 04, 2021 00:39:35
CWJJ Ep 14 - Jim & James Origins
Coffee With Jim & James
CWJJ Ep 14 - Jim & James Origins

Feb 04 2021 | 00:39:35


Hosted By

James Cross Jim Schauer

Show Notes

This week's episode is something different, where Jim & James get a bit personal about what their passions are and how they met.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Ladies and gentlemen, boys, and girls of all ages. Welcome to the most amazing interview show on the information super highway. Now zooming to you live and simultaneously from two secret studio bunkers in dual time zones are located somewhere South of Alaska, East of area, 51 North of Guantanamo. And if I give you one more clue, we'll all be in deep trouble. It's the amazing twin namesake separated at birth that two most famous guys, not in witness protection. It's coffee with Jim and Jay. Speaker 1 00:00:38 Welcome to a, another exciting episode of coffee with Jim and James, a big shout out to our LinkedIn community. We welcome you all. Okay. As I usually do every week, a little hint about today's special guests, some things we might find out today, where are they separated at birth? Are they in secret bunkers, North of Guantanamo, South of Alaska near area 51? Are they two of the most famous people? Not in witness protection, that one we're going to that one's a tricky one. Always joining me is my partner in crime. My brother, Mr. James Cross, James, how are you? This fine and beautiful morning, sir. I'm good. I'm excited about today's episode. I'll put on my good hoodie. You know, one of the first things I remember about is every time I saw you out in the industry, you were wearing your, um, your white button up shirt. Speaker 1 00:01:40 Yep. Maybe I'm button a little too far, um, starch James, you know, you, you didn't waste. So if you, if you know anything about Steve jobs or Mark Zuckerberg and other people like that, um, they've, they've went down that path of where they technically have a personal uniform that way. And the mindset behind it is that you don't have to put any thought every day or share that space up there. You can use it for other needs on what you're going to wear. Right. So I'm telling you I've embraced, uh, you might've seen it on different episodes, but if I can get that across with HR, my uniform, but, uh, no. Yeah. Today is going to be just like that diving in a little deeper on Jim and James. So what we realized was Jim and I were talking about it. Um, that's, that's an Easter egg of every episode, I think, uh, when I say Jim and I, we, we talked about the fact that actually we were inspired by our last guest, uh, Roger Cox, who we, we learned a lot about Roger that even Jim and I didn't know, and what we realized was that we hadn't done same for ourselves. Speaker 1 00:03:02 And so we thought it would be neat to, um, turn the, turn the mic around a little bit and play the other role. So we're going to be diving into that today. We're excited about that. Also, we're going to kick it off and kind of rehash the story of, uh, when Jim and I met in the industry and how we came to be here. Right. Um, to where we're at today. I never would have thought, you know, how many years ago, divorce three and a half years ago or so that who would've thought that we would have been doing the show together all this time later. So we're going to jump into that first. I think it's an interesting story. And then we'll jump into, we just got a short couple of questions and Jim are going to, and I are going to ask each other by the end of it. We hope you learn a little bit more about us. Speaker 2 00:03:53 I like it. I like it. Do you want to kick off with our, uh, how we met in the industry? Cause I tell you what it's, uh, uh, it's close to my heart and, uh, you're so expressive with your, uh, your thoughts. Go ahead, sir. James, Speaker 1 00:04:07 It was like a setup. I didn't remember. Um, absolutely June and I probably met on LinkedIn first. Um, and uh, we shared some, you know, uh, engagement on, on LinkedIn, on different posts. And, uh, we can tell both of us were very active, uh, when it came to social media and getting the word out there. So I think we kind of latched on to each other's posts and really started building a relationship there, but it was actually at a Texas gas association event. I think it might've been like an ONM Speaker 2 00:04:42 San Antonio or San Marcus. Speaker 1 00:04:44 I think it was San Antonio. It was there. And, um, so we, we actually met there for the first time. I think even on LinkedIn, we were like, Hey, we're going to be at the same event. Cause I think Jim was talking or speaking at that event. So, uh, I remember when Jim walked into the exhibit hall, I was kind of at the EWM booth and here watched Jim. And when Jim back then, this was the Jim with the long hair and, uh, again with the white shirt, but, um, button, a little too far laser laser blazer. And he rolled in like a rock star and I was like, okay. And honestly at that point, yeah, right. I'm like, wow. Um, the cane has arrived. And so people would flock to him and talk to him that when he got there and I was like, all right. Speaker 1 00:05:37 So anyway, fast forward a little bit. We finally connected at the event. And I remember Jim was just trying to figure out who I was really probably if I was worth his time. And, uh, we, we started to discuss how, I didn't know what the industry, so, uh, I told him my story and for that don't know, you know, I kind of walked away from the technology side about four years ago, a little over four years ago and decided I was going to chase my passion. And so I told him that, you know, that's how it came to be Speaker 2 00:06:10 And a gripped me just so you know, James, it gripped me that story. Speaker 1 00:06:14 Yeah. So he was like, hold on a second. Tell me about this a little bit more. And so I think even later on we might've had dinner or something and we talked a little bit more, but, um, you know, we, we shared, we had a lot of shared, obviously you guys were clients back then when you were able to take them. Uh, so we, we had shared events. We had shared, uh, engagement at different times. And so, um, you know, it was years later when Jim decided to join us at EWM and it was kind of full circle. He had created champions within the building, through these relationships and, you know, I was on board with it because of my engagement with them. Um, I think you guys had sponsored some stuff with this as well. It's some of the conferences brought some trucks out. Speaker 1 00:07:06 I mean, we had really built up to that moment. So when Jim decided to come on board and join the city, I was super excited about it. And again, looking back on it, it's funny that, uh, that one interaction really built to where we are today. So Jim and I have worked closely, uh, over the last couple of years. And then now Jim is actually within the same department. So we, uh, we get to share our vision and our, our goals. And obviously the, the, what would you call this? Isn't the silver screen. It was like bronze or copper. Pewter. Yeah. Like screen that we're on. But yeah, it's a funny story. I don't know, Jim, if you remember anything else that I didn't cover, but kind of fascinating to see where we're at today, Speaker 2 00:07:56 You hit it. And it really goes, if you take it off the surface and dive down deeper, it goes into one of my passions and that's meeting people and getting to know people, having a relationship with people and understanding them and who they are as a person, because I travel all throughout the country. And, um, you know, when I see somebody for the second, 10th, 20th, 50th time, you know, I want to, it's not it's business, but it's not just business. You were in this world for many different reasons. And, um, is just, you know, learning more about you. And some of that stuff just, uh, as, as you said, just drew me in and, and I love that. And I, and it, uh, uh, still is very close to my heart every day, but I just mentioned one of my passions. And I think that that's something to really hit on for a second because, um, we are human beings and, um, we're unique, you know, much as I almost think of James and I as ying and yang. Speaker 2 00:08:59 Like there's some stuff that James does. It just blows my mind, you know, blows it away. And then I come in with some of the industry stuff and say, you know, this is what a typical oil and gas guy. And I've been in the oil and gas world for 20 years. Does, but James, let me, let me, uh, throw something at you because I mentioned one of my passions, you know, uh, if somebody were to walk up to you, like I did for that first time and say, what are your passions in life? Whether they're, uh, personal or business, how, how would you answer that Speaker 1 00:09:29 Man? Just right to the heart, Jimmy, he just went right to it. Just not, you know, not like, obviously we've changed gears and now shifted gears a little bit. So now we're in my question to answer abortion. Uh, and I, you know, we couldn't start with like, what your favorite ice cream or something just straight for James. What's the meaning of life? Look, it may sound funny. I've thought about this a little bit. Um, because people ask me this all the time. Uh, obviously I have a love for design and, and, uh, branding. I really enjoy figuring people out and, and what drives them to make decisions and so forth. But, you know, that's kind of the layup version. I think, as I've gotten older, what I've realized that I've really loved more and more things that take time, like anything that takes time to create, uh, if you could have a passion for passion, I just love seeing passionate people put their heart into stuff, um, to put it in perspective, this is a stupid story, but I'll tell it anyway, because this is what we do here. Speaker 1 00:10:41 But, um, I not too long ago, I absolutely hated this. You couldn't even put a shot of tequila in front of me because of this mail. Right. I think we probably all have a story when we were young of mistakes with tequila. Right. And then that smell, you just it's a trigger, right? Oh my gosh, I do not want that in front of me. So anytime anyone ever mentioned something like that and be like, no, it didn't matter if it was the top shelf of the top shelf. Um, I didn't like it, but one day I watched the documentary on how tequila was made and the time it takes to grow the, the plant and all the way to creating it and the difference between silver and gold and the age and all that. And after watching that, I thought, wow, you know, from seed to seal, that's a crazy story to make something like that. Speaker 1 00:11:42 And I had a respect for it now I'm not, you know, matter of respect, like I'm going to run out and slam a bottle of tequila, but understanding that it takes seven, maybe 12 years to make some, that stuff is amazing. To me, that's a stupid example of it, but I just love seeing passion. And when people really lean into things, uh, and are able to discover and, you know, go, go to another level with it, I think is probably where my passion in business. That's a little bit different for me. You know, that's like a personal thing. I love artists and everything. I love craft all that. When it comes to business, I think my passion, I mean, I love leadership. It excites me. Uh, there's always something new I can read. I love thinking that we're shaping the next generation of leaders. Well, there's a book from Todd hindering called herding tigers, and it's about managing creative and leading creative. Speaker 1 00:12:48 And he, he finishes the book with the thought of, be a leader that makes echoes, right. And there's not such a chord with me because what good is a leader. If it ends, when you're gone so wrong mentality and they say, you're not a leader until you make a leader that can make a leader. Right. And those that's what drives me really am businessman. I want, I want people to know they have a voice. Cindy Mitchell mentioned that on our last, uh, or when we had her on a while back. And she said, people just want to be seen right early in my career when I was part of teams that I wasn't seeing and how frustrating it was, because I thought I had great ideas and nobody was listening. I think that there's a place for everybody and their voice and that like in business, being able to drive that is a passion of mine. I want everybody to be seen, heard and have the spotlight for their strengths and life and then business. So that was big. That how's that for a teenager. Well, Speaker 2 00:14:08 But that is you and you, and sometimes it's hard to sum yourself up, but if I were to describe you, I would have described it the same way. Probably not as eloquently as you did, but in the same thing, because you are very passionate and about a passionate about wanting people to make sure that they are heard. And I see that every day, um, in your actions and it's can be very subtle, like, uh, hold on a second, wait a minute, you know, explain a little bit more, you know, and I, and I, and observing this, it's, it's really great trait and it's, it's something, you know, it almost goes back to the TGA thing. Like my passion, you know, for everybody that knows me, my passion is people, you know, whether it's family, friends, Speaker 1 00:14:52 That was the next step. So you set yourself up, don't steal my thunder. Jim, what is your patch? Speaker 2 00:15:01 Hey, uh, I didn't do that great about, uh, Java, the first one. But, uh, but you know, it is people and, uh, my family, they always make fun of me because I can be at a grocery store having a conversation with somebody they're like, do you know that person? I'm like, nah, I've just met him. They're like, what are you doing? You know, why are you having conversations with all these people? And I do have a passion to just to interact with people and to maybe share some happiness. You know? I mean, I, I really liked that. And I really like to learn from people. I like to understand them. And when I say learn, that's also business and personal, but I have to tell you, that's a problem in my world in Jim's world is that there isn't a division between business and personal and all of those together. Speaker 2 00:15:48 And in my signature, on my email, I change it because I used to have my phone number, my cell, and I would say 24 seven and I change it to 18 seven. And somebody said, what does 18 seven? And I'm like, well, I'm available 18 hours a day, seven days a week. I sleep try to sleep six hours at a time. And I just want people to know that, like, if they have my email and it's a Sunday and they have a question, shoot me texts, you know, I mean, sometimes it, you know, life gets us, you know, you know, involved with many other things. But, uh, I, you know, how many times on a weekend or a Monday morning, have I come back to you and say, Hey, I had a great conversation with, you know, Walter from California from, you know, Dennis from North Dakota, wherever. Speaker 2 00:16:35 And, uh, it just, you know, we meld personal professional life and I just really like it because I view, you know, like, um, uh, Chad from Epsco called me the human switchboard where I connect people, you know, people will call me and say, Hey, do you know anybody that does X, Y, and Z? I'm like, I do. I got a guy, you know, and it's not like I'm endorsing anybody, but I just connect to people up and let them let them do it. It might be as something as simple as a personal thing, or it could be something as big as we have an undertaken with our company and we're putting this pipeline in and yada yada, yada. So that's probably where my biggest passions. And again, I have to emphasize family and personal. I mean, there are so important to me. Family is everything to me. Speaker 1 00:17:20 I'm going to go run into another one. You got, you got the microphone. Got it. All right. So along the same lines, who or what motivates you? Speaker 2 00:17:30 Well, that's interesting. Well, um, interesting. I would say, Oh, that's a hard one. Speaker 1 00:17:41 Obviously everyone knows that at least that access to these questions before relate some kind of response, the idea of this coming in here completely cold and not knowing the questions. And we decided down the road, maybe once a quarter or so, we'll do a rapid fire. Like, you know, you all know the questions, here's 25 questions. Give me your gut. It'll be fun. These, we knew were a little more important than it, really to tell our story. So a little bit of time to think about it, but who or what motivated? Speaker 2 00:18:17 Well, I I'd say, and I, I was kind of pausing there for a little bit, like people sometimes also say, if you can go back in history, who would you meet? Speaker 1 00:18:26 I've thought about that question, but that's a loaded question. Speaker 2 00:18:31 My answer has to be the one person that also motivates me every minute of every day. And that's Jesus. So I will say that bar none. Um, and I would also say too in the world, everything from, I, I know, like I worked very hard for my family. And so when, you know, I've worked a lot of hours and I can't spend time with family, but I'm doing it because I'm working for my family, I'm working for them. So they motivate me, um, leaders in the community motivate me when I say community. And let's just say, you know, people, you know, from out when I say community industry, energy industry, there's so many people that I learned from people that are, you know, CEO level, you know, all levels, you know, and I can, I get motivation from a lot of folks. So that's kind of, Speaker 1 00:19:20 So you kind of stole my thunder a little bit, just a little bit, but that's okay. So my family motivates me too. Yeah. That's my big driver. Um, you know, I told my son, I tell my son all the times that we, we do things for our last name around here, not for our first name. I don't remember who said that, but it was always something that stuck with me that, um, you know, I I'm just like you I've put a lot of time and effort into, you know, make some strategic moves at different times for our family and for jockeying, for new jobs and taking lateral moves when it was a better fit for down the road and God help him one when I decided just to walk away from everything they were there too. But I think just them knowing I want them to know that it's all in the betterment of our family. Speaker 1 00:20:14 Like, that's always my focus and, you know, in business, it's probably a little bit different for me. This is going to sound wild and I've thought about this a lot. And, um, I, I love over delivery. Okay. Yes, it sounds silly. But if I go and get coffee and they go an extra mile for me, that's the kind of service I want my life. Not because I feel entitled that it shouldn't be that way because that's what I want to provide as well. And I don't care if it's internal or external customers. Um, I want to over-deliver in every facet possible. I love the little touches, the little things with the big things, always with me. And I like when people get in the minds of others and really figure out how they're going to feel like soul searched, it did something above and beyond, you know, care packages, handwritten notes, you know, all those things are so important. When I look at character as a whole, I wanna, I want to do the same thing in that room. And I like seeing it, my teams, I like seeing it in other teams. I liked seeing it with clients and other people. We make those bulk connections with, because when we're aligned with a little bit of overdone, the three, we know everybody's going to benefit, but that one's a little odd, but I see it all the time. And it always makes a difference for me. Speaker 1 00:21:44 This one, you've got that first iPhone. And it did that for you that you're like, how did it even know? Or the first time you remember when outlook or Gmail changed and it would remind you when you didn't attach that document? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. I know it's a feature, but when you can get in my mind and really go that next level of effort, that's huge. I don't know, man. That's, uh, it motivates me every day. How can I over-deliver and make a difference? Well, let me, let me hold on a second. So based on that too, you know, I'll share mine in a second, but you know, when your eyes open in the morning, James, you know, what, what does that look like for the first two, three, five minutes, 10 minutes? What, what, w what, what does, what does James Cross doing when his eyes opened up in the morning? Speaker 1 00:22:40 Uh, man, uh, I have a three-year-old daughter, you know, so sometimes my eyes open to her eyes opening almost, uh, you know, that terrifying feeling when you're sound asleep. And, uh, you don't hear him walk in the room and they're like, uh, sometimes that's reality. Right. But no, I mean, really for me are all my parts working, number one, you know, can I stand up? Can I walk? Can I get moving for the day? And then secondly, you know, that God blessed us with a new day. And, um, I try not to take that for granted, but I know I do. And I know that's okay. But I said to my son one time after I just had one of those days, you know, and just everything just went against me that day. I was playing the victim. I think I was actually apologizing to him one day on one of those days and maybe I'd raise my voice or something. Speaker 1 00:23:39 And I was just talking to him and he said, and he was young at the time, not the nine year old giant that I lived with live with now. But more of like the five-year-old, you know, four or five-year-old version, he said, it's okay, dad, we can try it again tomorrow we get another shot. And so usually when I wake up, I think to myself, here's that another shot, right? Like what are you going to do with it? Right. Because sometimes we just get moving in the rat race on our phone, we do all the things kind of hit the ground running, but yeah, either way it's another shot. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:24:18 Yeah. I'm kind of, well, you know, I, I jump out of bed going to 90 miles an hour. So I mean, first thing, you know, when I wake up, you know, thank God for another beautiful day, first of all, let my eyes open up, you know, uh, this person right here, Ms. Tammy Bohemia, my fiance what's that you might've heard about her Speaker 1 00:24:45 Immediately forgot. Speaker 2 00:24:47 She knows you. She knows more people than I do in the industry. And, uh, she loves you. She always asks about you. And, uh, we lived there Speaker 1 00:24:57 Together. If nothing else, we always have game of Thrones. Speaker 2 00:25:02 Yeah. And, you know, and, and she, she got me hooked on that. And, uh, um, but, uh, you know, uh, waking up to three dogs and, you know, wondering, you know, I have family spread throughout the United States from Minnesota to Nashville, to Austin, Texas, to all over Chicago, where I grew up in Chicago, but I think about family and such. And then I just get really, really rolling. And I'm, uh, I'm definitely a morning person come nighttime, you know, by that time I'm so spent, so Speaker 1 00:25:32 For sure, Speaker 2 00:25:33 Oh, I do. I do. And it's just, you know, like in the morning, I want to make sure my ducks are in a row and that the day is lined up. And I feel like I'm ahead of it. I never liked to feel like I'm behind the eight ball or trying to catch up. So it's like seriously going on, checking out, look, and I, I already know what's on there, but I still have to look at it, look at tomorrow, look at the next day, see what we've got lined up. Uh, because that way I can do what I do the best throughout the day, by staying ahead of it. And what I do is I connect the dots, talk to people, put things in motion, and I want to be able to give them the time to do that enough. I feel like I'm behind the eight ball. Then it's not a very comfortable conversation. Like right now, I'm actually on vacation and you and I are having a wonderful conversation. And I, I, I wouldn't change this day. Anyway, when, you know, you said it, you sure you want to do it on your vacation? I'm like, are you kidding me? This is my life. You know? So that's, that's about the first things I think I'm in the morning, so Speaker 1 00:26:36 Well, good. And I just talked about those kiddos and I'm well-prepared for one of them, I just kind of heard them arrive back, were visiting grandparents. And so if they come sliding in here, listen, guys, we're going live. That is what it is. Absolutely. So Jimmy, along those same lines, right? What keeps you up at night? Speaker 2 00:26:55 Everything does, I generally sleep two hours at a time, you know, get up throughout the night and no old jokes here. I am a father and grandfather, but it's the mind doesn't stop, you know, it's everything right now. COVID, it's, um, you know, everything in the world right now, all those things right now, but also it's business. It's family, you know? And when I say business, I was thinking about it last night. Again, I'm supposed to be on vacation, but I had a couple ideas. I'm like, that's a good idea. I got to remember that. We're going to bring that up when I get back in the office. Well, or I'll shoot an email today, but, um, you know, it's, it's it for me, I can't turn it off. And I'm envious of people that all of a sudden, it's six o'clock at night. They're like, I'm done, you know, now I'm in my other world and I just can't shut it off, but that's okay. Speaker 2 00:27:42 I'm used to it. And, uh, um, I just want to make sure that the company is good, that the people are good, that our industry is good, that they're safe. You know, the first, you know, in the morning too, you know, I checked, uh, pipeline news and natural gas news just to make sure nothing went awry. You know, I worry about people and, uh, we're in a very critical infrastructure business. Uh, the, a great portion of the United States is related in some form or faction to our company. And I just want to make sure that, you know, we're doing the best we can do to make the best for our company. I'm sorry for our industry through our company. So I think about all that stuff changed. So, you know Speaker 1 00:28:24 What a loaded question, huh? Very loaded. What does it keep Jim up at night? Speaker 2 00:28:31 That that's more, it, you know, I dream for the day that I can maybe sleep, uh, you know, six straight hours. That would be cool, but Speaker 1 00:28:41 I have similar, um, you know, I, I kind of, when I was thinking about it, I was like, during this time it's different, right? Like there, we have a lot of added anxiety and different things that are impacting us. And there's no doubt about our answer today might be totally different than, uh, you know, hell a couple of days from now at this point, the way things accelerate and decline so quickly during this pandemic. I think all of us are struggling with that, but, you know, I'm like you, it's hard to turn some of this off at times, you know, opportunity and excitement. A lot of the time keeps me up. Uh, I'm blessed to be able to see, you know, what almost feels like I could see into the future at times when, when I'm passionate about something and, and those times make it a little tough to turn it off. And I, um, I wake up sometimes and jot down a note or go ahead and, you know, use Slack and get a message across because I just wonder about what we do, right. That you can knock that out. I wouldn't change it all. I'll skip, sleep over opportunities and excitement. And honestly, a three-year-old at time. She definitely impacted me too. Speaker 2 00:29:59 Yeah, it's a blessing. Um, you know, all that we have and that's, that's one thing, James, you know, I say loud, Tammy says it a lot and you know, with everything going on, we also have to just take a step back and say, wow, how blessed we are, you know, all the great things that we have, not the things that are being inhibited right now, or can't travel here and dah, dah, dah, and all that. You know, what about the good things and the good things that are coming about of everything that's coming or going on right now. And, um, you know, just kind of keep that positive attitude. And, uh, I, I find that, you know, especially like you and I, when we talk, you know, after, after our conversations, I'm always like, all right. Yeah. That's what I needed to hear, you know? Speaker 1 00:30:42 And you can tell when it's a difference between, you know, when it's contrived like pep rally style and just have a general disposition towards positivity, I think makes a big difference. Yep. Speaker 2 00:30:54 Well, you know, in, in your world though, and, um, when you look back over the years or even now, you know, um, what's been the biggest influence, you know, in your life, James, you know, you've kinda hit on a few things already, but if you were to, if you were to say, you know, and when I say influence, it could be influencer or influence. And I, I want to make sure that there's two different things. So, cause I have a couple of different ones I'm going to hit on. So I want to throw that at you. Speaker 1 00:31:29 Um, yeah, I've thought about this one a lot too, because you know, I don't know what drives that, that passion for leadership and, and for, you know, doing a good job and, and putting your family on your back and your friends and your community and so forth. Like, and honestly, for me, it's, my granddad was a very big influence on me, my grandpa and he not to get all mushy and stuff. Cause that's not what it's about. Uh, rest in peace. He was a good dude. He was a hard worker, you know, that generation that was molded by the great depression and how hard they had to work, you know, and work through it all. Uh, he was a big influencer of mine and, um, you know, my dad died early when I was five. Um, and so he was a father figure for me. Speaker 1 00:32:27 So obviously that helps. But at the same time, man, as a worker, that dude work has bought off. I mean, he, he worked all day long in a small businesses own like a lot more repair and sharpening and stuff like that all day long. And then we'd go to sleep at five or six o'clock in the afternoon and then wake up and go to a nightwatching job at 10 o'clock at night and go through all the schools and come back, he'd be at the breakfast table at six, eat breakfast, and then go out to a shop and do it again and tell you he was a nightwatchman for 22 years, I believe. And that's, that was a very influential time in my life. Right? I mean, they say a lot of your habits happen around that four or five-year-old age. That's how old I was. Speaker 1 00:33:16 So I was grasping for people or things that could teach me how to do it. And, um, you know, he paid me, people probably get tired of hearing this, but my grandpa paid me minimum wage. When I was four sit there I'd make four and a half dollars and four 25, uh, as a four year old, I might go out there and work an hour, but he paid me what I was worth. And that set a tone with me as well because, um, that's, that's how I live and that's how I manage and lead change as well. Is that same influence. And then secondly, my mom was, is amazing. Still is amazing kindest heart in the world. My leadership heart comes from my mother without a doubt. Uh, you can imagine, uh, how awesome she was of an influence, uh, hate for all the people. But that, for me, it really was like, um, it really set the tone and how it was going to be an adult, the, a functioning person in society. And lastly, hopefully one day be a leader. That's really good. Um, are you, Speaker 2 00:34:29 I got to go my parents too, and I don't mean a copycat yet. Speaker 1 00:34:33 It's obvious. I was going to say you actually just to see if I could get the laugh. Speaker 2 00:34:39 I actually have three. So I'll do mom and dad. So dad though growing up, uh, he worked, he had his own business, so I work six days a week, sometimes seven. He, I would get up as a kid in the morning. He'd already be gone. I mean, he would literally leave the house like at four 35 in the morning, come home at dinner time. And so it used to bug me probably a little bit like, Oh, I never get to see my dad in the morning. And then on the weekend on like a Sunday, you know, he would be up in attitude and he never slept in. And as a kid, especially when I was a teenager, he would expect me catch up, let's get going, you know, and all of a sudden I'm like, I like to sleep in. He's like, no, we've got to do this, this and this. And I think those work ethics, the ones I talked about earlier before where I want to get up and get my day going. That's my dad, that's me, Speaker 1 00:35:25 Not a generation as far as work ethic, um, unstoppable. And you'll never be a generation like it. No, they won't. And he was like a challenge. You have generations, all of you, there will be never be one. Like it proved me wrong. Speaker 2 00:35:42 Uh, I, I, you know, it's, it's true. And you know, and I just thank him for, uh, giving that instilled in my head because his idea was we can relax at the end of the day when our work is done. It doesn't matter what day it is. And then, you know, mom, because dad was always working, you know, was kind of the, the, the emotional spiritual, you know, wrangled me and my brother up and, you know, did us, but the third influencer, so mom and dad, but, and this is a hard one and it may sound corny, but my industry is my third influence or influencer how you want to look at it. And I get influenced Speaker 1 00:36:19 Such a suck up to the industry, by the way, why don't you name drop while we're in it? Just not to leave out the following. Speaker 2 00:36:31 Yeah. I mean, that list would be this long. I mean, it's, you know, I'll throw Tammy in there right now, you know, because, you know, we're, we're in quarantine, you know, we're, we're, we're in, you know, we're in Florida, South Florida working together, both in the energy industry, both in different segments of it in one house where, you know, when do you have a video call? I have it at 10 30. Okay. You take the video room, quote, unquote, the master bedroom I'll do this, but it's kind of interesting and neat because you know, I'm talking about things in the industry. She's talking about separate things, and it's almost like being at a trade show or conference where you can just kind of like bounce ideas off somebody. So, um, you know, she's a huge influence and influencer in my, in my life. So it had, if I didn't give her a shout out, you know what I'd be hearing about Speaker 1 00:37:24 It. She'd Speaker 2 00:37:26 Probably, she's probably going to say like, you didn't mention my name again. Did you Speaker 1 00:37:30 Six times this time there's an over and under. And that was for so well, Jim, I think we've learned quite a bit. And I say we, and I'm included in that today about really what drives both of us. And I hope our viewership appreciates that, especially, um, you know, in the times that we're in kind of knowing where someone's head and heart is helps us to better connect. Yup. Hopefully we've provided that today. I I've learned a lot about to Jimmy now. It explains a lot Speaker 2 00:38:12 And I learned a lot about you and, uh, uh, no, it was great. Just, uh, doing this. It's kinda kinda fun just to open up and let the thoughts flow. Speaker 1 00:38:23 All right. Well, as we always do, thank you so much, everyone. Speaker 2 00:38:28 Is this out? Can I, can I do a typical class, do it all right. We want to thank our special guests this week, Jim and James. Um, can't thank you enough for both of you guys giving us your time. Uh, we learned a lot about you today and to our LinkedIn community being serious. Please, if you want to connect with us, hit that connect button. We want to connect with you, send us a message. If you want to be on the show, send us a message, too. We would love to have a conversation to see where that would go coffee with Jim and James is a sustainable entity. We are going fast and forward with this. And we look forward to having, uh, more unique guests, maybe more unique than you and I, James. So with that, I will say so long. James, you want to say so long too? Speaker 1 00:39:14 Yeah. Uh, thank you everyone for your time and look forward to staying connected, moving forward. So God bless everyone. God bless this industry. Amen.

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