CWJJ Ep 24 - Nick Temple

February 04, 2021 00:22:55
CWJJ Ep 24 - Nick Temple
Coffee With Jim & James
CWJJ Ep 24 - Nick Temple

Feb 04 2021 | 00:22:55


Hosted By

James Cross Jim Schauer

Show Notes

Nick Temple with Rhino Markers & Protection Systems joins Jim and James this week to talk about Damage Prevention and proper markings.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:00:11 Good morning to our LinkedIn community, another fine and beautiful morning. Welcome to another exciting episode of coffee with Jim and James. There was a time when I heard the term rhino markers, and first thing that popped in my head was my days back in the Serengeti, going to Zimbabwe. I had my Nikon 35 millimeter camera in my hand, looking for that elusive rhino, well times have changed. And now when I think of rhino markers, I think of, uh, our guests today, but I'm allow that a special privilege for James to introduce our guests. James, how are you today? Speaker 2 00:00:51 Um, well Jim, last week, uh, I actually hit the Lake this weekend. Uh, I w I wasn't a hypocrite for long after our last episode about sharpening the saw, uh, I went, I showed up and I am sure if I'm ready. I'm so excited to be on here with Nick today. Uh, our good friend, Nick timber for mine, no markings. Um, Nick, good morning. Welcome to the show. Speaker 1 00:01:16 Good morning. Thank you guys for having me welcome. Speaker 2 00:01:19 Absolutely Nick. Uh, I, and I didn't mention that before, but I will. Um, Nick and I actually are our newfound friends. Uh, we, we both attended probably the last conference we both attended before the pandemic, um, happened at the damage prevention summit. Yeah, we, we were blessed to play golf together and we met on the golf course and, and honestly, Nick, um, out drove me and then he told me about how bad his shoulder was recovering. And I thought, wow, that's a great story. Uh, so, well, we got to share a golf cart. We learned about, uh, that we both loved the big green heck and we had little ones at home, uh, that we didn't travel as much as most people did. There were a lot of similarities, so, uh, kind of a neat way to connect and then immediately go into this. So when I heard that Jim was talking to you about joining your show, I was excited to reconnect with you. So welcome to the show. Do you mind letting everybody know what you do a little bit? Speaker 1 00:02:29 Yeah. Thank you, James. Um, so I am a damage prevention consultant at rhino marking and protection systems. And, uh, I cover all of the U S and Canada. And what I do is help our customers, uh, try to come up with, uh, a real comprehensive system to protect their gas pipelines and utilities, uh, from excavation damage. So, uh, we do that, uh, making the best damage prevention products right here in the state of Minnesota. Uh, and so pipeline, markers signs, um, asphalt markers, you name it, there is a tool for every job. And so, uh, that's, that's what I do travel across the country do about 25. Our company does about 25 conferences a year. Um, I'm probably half of that. And, uh, so yeah, we've been in business since 1990 family owned and operated, same, same crew, um, just, uh, awesome company. And, uh, couldn't, couldn't be, couldn't be happier working here at rhino. Speaker 3 00:03:47 James, let me, let me just connect some dots. Cause you had Nick got connected in Galveston, which is wonderful. And before we started to record today, my fiance popped in Tammy <inaudible>, who is a long time friend of Nick. So they're having a conversation on, she literally pushed me out of the seat and said, I need to talk to one of my boys. You know? So, um, uh, anyways, it's yeah, Speaker 2 00:04:11 Jim, when I, when I actually, when I got on the call to begin recording this and doing the pre pre-show with Nick, uh, Tammy was sitting down where you're sitting and now that I've got on the wrong call, so dead on with that, um, Jim tell, uh, why don't you catch our viewers up from, for those that may not be a hundred percent sure of, of, um, some of the things Nick and rhino are doing, why don't you, you sold them to me. And that's, I kind of went down a rabbit hole a little bit when you told me what Nick and them were doing over at rhino. And so why don't you kind of lay the groundwork for that and then I'll put you on that festival. Speaker 3 00:04:51 All right. That sounds great. Well, you know, when Nick and I became friends and we started to follow each other on, on LinkedIn and you know, the whole, you know, connecting the dots, one thing that I've came across is that they do these outstanding Oh, so funny videos. And they're very, energy-related, they're very, you know, rhino related, but they are not, I mean, not your typical video in any way. The first one I saw my, I was really like, they did that. I mean, it's, they're awesome. They're, they're produced, they're funny. They have a great storyline. Um, yeah, I, I can't give you enough. Kudos, Nick. Like I saw Scott Naples, um, there, uh, the CEO, I think it was earlier this year before COVID and I just, I, we talked for a long time about it, but, uh, the videos are great. James, are we going to be able to have a video in here? Speaker 2 00:05:43 We're going to go ahead and roll a clip. Uh, I think it's about a two minute long video. We'll let her by experience that we'll come back and talk Speaker 1 00:05:50 Notice noticed for a while. That things just weren't right? Yeah. Just wasn't looking the best. Just appearing Speaker 4 00:05:58 Really worn down and faded, you know, and it wasn't communicating well at all. And then I discovered I was suffering from sea Elvis. I had CLS CLS. My damage Speaker 3 00:06:12 Prevention consultant said I had a full blown Speaker 4 00:06:14 Case of crappy looking signage. If you or a loved one had been suffering for CLS, just know that you're not alone. CLS is an affliction that affects millions all around the world. Every year. Some of the common side effects of CLS might include prevalent rust, faded, illegible messages and extreme ugliness here at rhino. We made it our mission to cure CLS. And that's why we developed rhino UV armor sides. I thought it was hopeless, but that's when I heard about rhino rhino, UV armor signs are made with superior printing technology. We can print signs with unlimited colors and unlimited shapes with no extra fees that guarantees you, that your signs will be looking better than ever. Speaker 5 00:07:12 I know UV armor signs are clinically proven to cure CLS. All rhino made signs come with a 10 year warranty and are protected with our proprietary coding rhino UV armor, which has superior UV protection, serious and permanent side effects of rhino. UV armor signs will include improved visibility, elevated brand awareness, enhanced communication, increased savings, and superior resistance to fading. If you experience a rhino UV Armour sign lasting for more than 10 years, do not seek immediate medical attention. That's exactly what you paid for. Speaker 4 00:07:50 Now. My senses look amazing. Now I'm communicating better than ever goodbye, ugly signs. Hello, rhino UVR, more science. If you or someone you know, is suffering from CLS, please contact your rhino damage prevention consultant together. We can cure crappy looking signage. Speaker 3 00:08:35 That was unbelievable. That was fantastic. One of my favorites, uh, you know, you and the doctor smock outfit, you know, I felt like I was in, uh, one of those commercials that that was absolutely. And everybody that is tuning in, I know you're liking and make sure you follow Nick, make sure you follow rhino, see those Speaker 2 00:08:56 Videos. They're fantastic. We need help. You better watch it. I mean, it's going to be editing this. Um, we, uh, I was immediately taken back when I found him. Uh, and then, like I said, I went down a rabbit trail a bit, uh, really dove in, but I told him that before this, how great I thought the production wise. So kudos to your folks over there for that. But tell me Nick a little bit, you know, awesome video, awesome videos. Cause I don't even know how many y'all have at this point. So, so number one, what inspired it to begin with? And secondly, how's it been being involved in it? And lastly, what, what, how has the success then, you know, for rhino since those comments? Speaker 1 00:09:47 Yeah. Well first I, I can't really take a lot of credit for it. Uh, we have, uh, a video person that's his job. Um, he writes the scripts up and then we provide some input. Um, there's not much ad-libbing, it's, it's, it's like Saturday night live don't deviate from the script. Um, but what happened was we did some research and found that so much of what your company's message is, um, has been drifting towards video stuff. Uh, and there were some, there were some statistics that said, you know, like 70% of, of, you know, your company's message will be broadcast on video. We're talking like the top 200 sized companies. And so, um, you know, that will be communicated on video. And so we found, uh, we found a company we kind of consulted with and talked to and, and they gave me a little lesson in acting, which I really needed. Speaker 1 00:10:50 Um, and, uh, they gave it to all of us, uh, and it was very helpful. And, you know, we sat down and, and Chris and Scott and our leaders, and we just said, you know, nobody wants to hear you talk about marker posts and signs. It does not get much more boring than that. If you just tried to make a video about your capabilities and, and, you know, we make the best stuff, nobody's going to watch that. So it was like, okay, they have to be funny. They have to be, if you want somebody to watch till the end, you got to keep them interested. And then if you want somebody to share it or whatever, you know, you gotta make it worth it. So, um, yeah, our, our video guy is fantastic. We actually won the, uh, best video at the CTA conference in Tampa. Speaker 1 00:11:38 That was 2019. Um, that was pretty cool. I had a feeling, we were, you know, I knew we were in the, I knew we were running. Um, but some of the, that we were up against spent some serious money on production companies to do this. And this is just us, you know, like this is, this is the team rhino. And we filmed this, our office and then one of our backyards. So, um, that video, uh, was very, was very cool and it promoted eight one, one that was the sole purpose of it. If that's what happens. And it gets a few people that didn't understand the importance of that to recognize it it's a win. So Speaker 3 00:12:26 I know it's like he has a script or something, he's the best actor. Right. And I want to elaborate and dig a little bit deeper than that because we see, you know, markers all the time. Uh, we think, you know, caution, safety, all those things. And eight one, one is a very intricate part of our whole industry. What's, what's the connecting the dots between rhino and eight one one. And how do you guys work in conjunction? What's your, what's your thought process? How do you support them? They support you, you support each other. Speaker 1 00:13:04 Yeah, yeah, absolutely. You know, we've been involved with excavation safety from day one. Um, and when I started here almost seven years ago, I started going to the Minnesota regional CGA meetings and understanding, you know, what these guys are, are up against them. When I say that, I mean, you know, how can they do a better job of promoting, uh, safe digging practices and you know, how, and then we kind of put our heads together on our side with how we can help them. You know, there are these massive utility companies, you know, we're a small manufacturer and, and, and, you know, we have different capabilities and flexibilities, you know, that we can do things to help them. And I just feel like it's such a collaborative effort. Everybody, everybody has to chip in on it. And, uh, you know, I'll, I'll tell you a real quick little story. When, when I started at rhino with, uh, and started going to those regional CGA meetings, um, they had this, this booth set up at the state fair. And if you don't know about the Minnesota state fair, it's gotta be top five in the country. I mean, as far as attendance, and I think it's number two behind the number two. Okay. I mean, it's, it's a big deal and I'm from Speaker 3 00:14:21 Not a big deal, but who's number one. I'm sure. I'm sure. Right. Speaker 1 00:14:27 Yeah. So, uh, and so we, the one call center has a, a booth at the state fair. And so we would all pick a day where we would volunteer to hound out these colored, uh, yardsticks. And so the, the game is basically you asked them, you know, what color pin flag represents, what sort of utility, and they have to get it right. And you give them a yard stick. And I've told my wife, I'm like, you know, I'm going down to do this. It's pretty cool. You know, I can't imagine that it's going to be a lot of people. Um, I know it's, Oh, I w I don't want to give the wrong number, but I will tell you this, we had at least 10 boxes of a thousand yard sticks that yeah. And I mean, we were going through them so fast that it was crazy to me. And there was so many people that came by and I, you know, when you would just say, Hey, you know, do you know what eight one one is, uh, the information line? And it's like, Nope, but that's our opportunity to educate people. So, um, you know, it was kind of cool for me to see and gauge the real, uh, you know, uh, level of, of engagement with the public and how much they knew about that stuff. Speaker 3 00:15:41 Well, I think, I think just to jump in, it's a grassroots, it's a way of life for us in the industry. I mean, we preach it, we know it, we talk about it, but it's definitely grassroots, uh, uh, initiative with, especially in homeowners that have no idea. And you guys have done some great videos actually in the backyards, you know, really targeting homeowners to be safe. Um, it really is a full spectrum. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:16:07 Yep. Yep. So, so Nick, we, um, we've been ending shows with this question and I think this one's a great one for you because we see your passionate and the videos and, you know, as funny as they are and how we, you know, make fun of ourselves a little bit to get a point across. Yeah. You gotta have a passion for what you do in those situations regardless. Right. So, um, my question today is, do you love what you do? Speaker 1 00:16:41 I couldn't love what I do more. It's crazy. I tell my wife all the time where it's like, how, how good is that? How good does it feel to know that you are doing what you are supposed to do? And I, I tell my kids all the time, like nobody can try hard for you, you know? And, and you have the opportunity to be the best that you can be. It's up to you. And it's never been worked to me, never once I do the best that I can do, because it's just natural when you care about what you're doing. And honestly, I think that, that has trickled down to me from our leadership at rhino. I mean, you're just not going to find better people, you know, and, and human beings that genuinely care about the industry, uh, and the people that other people that they work with. So it's a culture that we have and, you know, I couldn't imagine doing anything else. That's awesome. Speaker 2 00:17:40 Oh, if it's just the industry of the people, but either way it works out Speaker 3 00:17:46 Nick, anything, any final thought before close out, anything you wanted to, that you didn't get to cover today? Well, I go ahead. Speaker 1 00:17:55 Yeah. I really enjoyed your guys' episode with the big green egg guy with map. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:18:03 That are, Speaker 1 00:18:05 That was good. You know, I knew when COVID kicked off and, you know, I've been working from my basement since March 20th, still down here. Uh, and so, um, when it kicked off, I knew it was going to be, I was going to be firing up my big green egg. I have two of them actually. Um, and, uh, I knew that it was going to be go time. So I ordered like a pallet of charcoal to be diluted. And cause I didn't know what to expect. You know, I didn't know if everybody else was thinking the same thing. So I was like, I'm just doing it. It isn't going to go bad. You know? So I had a pallet of charcoal delivered and I went for it. I think I put my first, my, my COVID 15 pounds on, in the first 60 days for sure. I was doing briskets and shoulders. Well, you name it. My wife was like, you need to chill out a little bit. So, um, but I appreciated that episode. That was cool. Speaker 3 00:19:03 That's good. Uh, I will have to say that you and James absolutely need to have more conversations about cooking James it's. Okay. Speaker 2 00:19:10 There were, I think we're kind of kindred spirits, like maybe lost brothers or maybe I just saw Nick at that conference and he told me about having to relax. And I was like, I want to be Nick when I grow up. So I started growing my hair out and, Speaker 3 00:19:28 You know, with the beards and the, and the head I'm telling you, I can see that, you know, maybe you, it, Speaker 2 00:19:33 Um, just the, like the more worn out, you know, gave up version of Nick, Speaker 3 00:19:43 You meet Nick and person, you know, he stands about seven foot eight. He has shoulders about the size of a building. And as Tammy, my fiance says, Oh, he's just a Teddy bear. He's good. You know? And then she calls you that all the time, just as good. We won't say that on the year because people don't want to know that you're a Teddy bear. All we are going to leave. Speaker 1 00:20:05 That's all right with me. You Speaker 3 00:20:07 Are, you're a great person. You're a great friend, a great, uh, industry colleague and your passion for helping us all be safer. You and Scott, the whole team, Chris, everybody is well-recognized. Um, and I, I will say on behalf of James and I, we so much appreciate you coming on the show today. Um, it's, it's great to spend a little time just, uh, cutting back and having some fun, and hopefully we've inspired at least one person to do something a little bit safer with their markers and their markings and all that, you know, take another look at it. And I'll say this, that, you know, always looking at it with fresh eyes, just because you've seen that marker there for 10 years and you can't read it anymore. That might be a time to say, Hey, you know, let's, let's call rhino and let's get a, a new marker in here or something like that. So yeah, Speaker 1 00:21:00 Really true. Really true. And, you know, with COVID, it was kind of crazy the first couple of months, all of this spur of activity happened. And it was because, you know, a lot of the projects got sidelined or postponed. There weren't as many, one call tickets. And so a lot of the guys that are out maintaining that sort of stuff, now, all of a sudden had this, the time that was really necessary to do it. Um, and so that was kind of a good thing, you know, it's, it's not all doom and gloom, so yeah. I'm with you on that for sure. Jim. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:21:33 And you've mentioned there, there's always blessings that come out of things and those are some good things that have come out of this. If we can appreciate, we appreciate it so much. We can't take enough for all of your, you do for the industry for spending the time with us today, we encourage the LinkedIn community. Please connect with Nick connect with rhino, follow them, see some of these funny videos, um, do the safe things, do the right things. Keep the fresh set of eyes, all the things. And I know Nick just like us, he loves to talk. So if you have a question, hit him up on LinkedIn, I'm sure, uh, you know, prepare for a good, a 20 minute conversation. If you do have a voice call that's right until then, uh, for James and Nick and myself, we appreciate everybody in the LinkedIn community to join us today. We hope you enjoyed this episode. Like I said, follow everybody. If you're just sort of beyond coffee, Jim and James, let us know. We, uh, we'd love to have, uh, uh, guests all the time and, uh, uh, we can't take enough until next week, please be safe. God bless you. God bless our industry. And everybody please stay safe, take care. And we will see you in the future. Speaker 1 00:22:44 Yeah. Thank you guys. Be safe. Always. Thank you. Speaker 6 00:22:48 <inaudible>.

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