CWJJ Ep 37 - Jay Stephens

February 04, 2021 00:32:31
CWJJ Ep 37 - Jay Stephens
Coffee With Jim & James
CWJJ Ep 37 - Jay Stephens

Feb 04 2021 | 00:32:31


Hosted By

James Cross Jim Schauer

Show Notes

Jay Stephens joins the show to talk about gamification and how beneficial it can be for damage prevention and safety.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:00:09 Well, good morning there, LinkedIn community. I don't know what it is there today, but I woke up and I was feeling old just a little bit. They're frisky and I'm not really sure what's going on. I felt like I wanted to have a little new to Fisk. Maybe do it all ice fishing. I'm sorry. Wait a minute. What was going on? I think I might've been channeling something. James, maybe my past Minnesota day. Speaker 2 00:00:31 Never, never speak with them again. Never speak of Minnesota. Speaker 1 00:00:37 Yeah. I see what you did there. I like that. Anyways, we have a fun episode today with, uh, I'll just give it a little hint. Cause James we'll bring our guests in, but let's talk about damage prevention Academy. That kind of says it all. Speaker 2 00:00:51 James how're you find a beautiful morning gentlemen. Well, nice and breasts day here in Texas. Um, I think it's in the forties or fifties. Uh, I'll take it. It feels like winter. Uh, but, but our guests may know winter a little bit different than we do down here in Texas. Uh, Jay Stevens, the, uh, we figured out a new title for him. He can make his own title. He's the boss. Uh, so the big kahuna that damage prevention, uh, Academy Jay Stevens. Thanks for joining us today. How are you? Speaker 3 00:01:23 I'm doing great guys up here in the great white North eight. Doing great. Speaker 2 00:01:30 Yeah. So if you don't know, Jay is one of our Canadian brothers up there in Alberta, right? So, um, we're, we're glad to have him on the show today. Jay and I met, actually jumped at one of the last shows I went to. Um, in fact it may have been the last show last year before the pandemic started, Jay and I met there. And then, uh, we've kept in touch since he's still rocking the hat, the best hat Speaker 3 00:01:59 It is. That's us. Speaker 1 00:02:02 That's awesome. Well, you know, I was excited and I was excited to do a little bit of my past 20 plus years of Minnesota living because we were so close to the border and a little bit of my voice, but let's get, let's get to business. Let's get it real. Jay, would you bring us up to speed? Um, a little bit about yourself, your background, and give us a little insight into the damage prevention Academy and all the high-level fun stuff that you guys do. Speaker 3 00:02:30 Well, I appreciate that first. I'll start off by saying thanks to both of you for inviting me here today, to chat with you. And, uh, it's a great honor. You guys are, uh, both amazing guys and put on a great show and I enjoy it. Um, so a little bit of intro on me. Um, you know, uh, I guess I'll start by saying, you know, uh, I've had a long and storied history. I have a, uh, you know, a diverse background in a number of different areas, including sales, um, you know, whether it's corporate or, or basically high-level sales construction. Uh, man, I go on forever. Like basically everything I've done, almost every task in most businesses, um, for a number of different reasons. And at that I talked to my children about the sum of that equation of your life can bring you to where you are now, which is, you know, damage prevention, which is a, of course a culmination of all my experience. Speaker 3 00:03:25 So that's, you know, again, my background is very diverse and I guess that's what makes me good at what I do. A lot of that ability to interact with young people, um, little history on damage prevention Academy, how it all came about. It was, uh, the oil and gas sector was saying here in Alberta, one of the many times in the past decade. And, um, of course at that time I was in oil and gas safety, and of course safety at that time was like the first thing to chop up. It's like the there's, there's lots of safety professionals and those guys seem to go first enhance. I started looking at different opportunities that time. Uh, this is probably 2000 S uh, I guess 2011 ish. I was what's called the ground disturbance level two certified trainer hearing, uh, Canada, which is, which is a certification put on by the Alberta, Alberta common ground Alliance, uh, supervisory level damaged and ground disturbance program, which I then became, you know, instructing individuals, uh, all over Western Canada, but in the classrooms. Speaker 3 00:04:26 So you'd have 30, 30 people in a classroom became very expensive for not only the corporations to hire you, but also for the students to take the class, which then led me to really chase down damage prevention online. And then the rest is history. So it started from there. Uh, took the concept, started growing it into a business, started in North Dakota with a company called Hass. We built a, uh, some programs for the ground disturbance team out there with char Charles Columbus. Uh, and then from there we, you know, partnered up with Texas. And again, like I said, the rest is history. So a little bit of information that people probably don't know about me is that mine is second generation damage prevention professional. Speaker 2 00:05:07 Really? Yeah. I told him, I actually told that to Jim the other day. I said, I hope he tells the story about, you know, how you got involved in it and that you were a second generation. So I'm glad you brought that up. Cause I thought I was crazy. I thought I'd imagine that. And I was telling Jim when he said, I don't remember that. So it must have been one of those that we shared maybe somewhere else, you know, maybe at a bar guaranteed, you guys like dream about that and get it through osmosis or something or, Speaker 3 00:05:33 Yeah, I think, you know, it was, it was sitting around a table in a, in a, in a hotel, um, having a couple of waters. Speaker 2 00:05:44 Yeah. Wrong, strong waters, Speaker 3 00:05:47 But so second generation being really cool because, uh, you know, uh, my dad, John Steven senior was a, uh, electrical engineer by worked his way up into, uh, at the time it was called Calgary power and then became this immense corporation called TransAlta utilities, which was a electrical power generation company. He was then a, you know, with all the damages and deaths that were happening at that time, he became a, he became an advocate for damage prevention and then was on the board of directors. One of the, I think one of the original board of directors of Alberta one-call. So I used to travel around a lot with him as a young man talking about damage prevention. And of course I had no idea what he's talking about, no clue, right. So, you know, I wish, you know, uh, God rest his soul, but if you still here today, you'd be very proud of me. Uh, and one of accomplished with this business and it would, uh, he would have a great, great amount of pride and satisfaction knowing that I've kind of carried on that torch. Speaker 2 00:06:42 That's awesome. That's a great story. That's exactly how I remember it. So even here, it wasn't a very vivid dream or it really would happen. I was just thinking, as I was thinking, as you said that how disappointed my son's going to be when they want to have to explain to him what I am doing right now and how his, you know, I can't decide how he's going to take it yet. Jim, what do you think with the coffee when I try to explain it to him, but this is his legacy that he'll have to follow the footsteps of you might get really excited and you'd be like, I've always wanted to be a YouTuber. Yeah. He loved that stuff, Jay, uh we've you guys are super into training. We're super into training. We're all always looking for really innovative ways to, you know, hit those retention marks and, and make sure people are retaining that information and being able to translate whatever type of learner they are. And we hear terms like gamification come up and I know you and I have talked about it. Um, will you share with our viewers what that means and how, how that's kind of utilized and what you guys are doing with it over there? Speaker 3 00:07:58 Yeah, I think that, uh, thank you for that. And yet you're right. We have a lot of, uh, commonalities there and, you know, um, being, I appreciate you kind of lumping us in with energy roadmap, but your guys are, you guys do a phenomenal job out there. So I appreciate that. Um, I mean, I guess game of the cage and, uh, you can sum it up as in just a few clicks. You can turn your train into an addiction, almost like, like goal setting, goal reaching powerhouse. That's really what gamification is. It gives people think automatically think about, um, you know, gaming, you know, like playing something, but reality, it's, uh, a number of different layers, all interconnected that make that gamification in the learning environment. So again, I was going to share my screen, but I don't necessarily need to do that. I think we could talk about the various levels that, uh, it's up to you guys, but again, uh, we'll just talk about those different levels and we'll just go through when you guys ask me questions and cause again, you guys probably do on your end as well. Speaker 3 00:08:57 So when it comes to say points, um, you guys use points in gamefication. So points are probably the starting point. You know, the mighty is gamification element that's out there, um, customizing the number of points your learners earned through fixed set of actions. So again, if you, depending on the actions that you set within your learning management system, you can then reward those, uh, individuals based on their various interactions, uh, with those points. So that's, that's probably the number one thing is points. So by activating a point system, you'll activate learning. So I'll start there. Do you guys have anything to add to that, to the point side of the conversation or? Speaker 2 00:09:35 Yeah, I mean, I think, uh, you know, there's a lot of people out there in scoreboard people, whether they're they're public facing or closet scoreboard, people, as you can see behind me, the highest score, it's something that's built into us since we were little kids. Um, and we want to be up there. So, um, no, I think, I think you nailed it. Speaker 3 00:09:55 Yeah, you're right. And one thing that, uh, you know, that, that scoreboard mentality it's the, it does increase those actions and those points increase user engagement or one aspect of that user engagement. So it's critical points is the first element two is levels much like that golden tee game behind you. And I think that's a turtles game, which you were telling me, you guys built that one, right? Speaker 2 00:10:18 Yup. Nope. That one's yeah, that one over there, it has about, I don't know, about 500 games on it, different systems, all kinds of stuff. So Speaker 3 00:10:28 Questions are gone. I'm coming down there. I mean, I have my name on your leaderboard, so I'll get some, again, some points up on your system Speaker 2 00:10:35 Just for gamification research reasons, what we absolutely expect here, Speaker 3 00:10:40 Just so we can circle back with another episode so that we can have more verifiable, quantifiable data or talking. All right. Perfect. I love it. Um, so then next is level. So again, I'm just got a few notes in front of me, so I'll just kind of throw those notes out, but by, um, adding a layer of interest in function, functionality to your training and environment is the levels. Uh, these create a dynamic learning environment and path for those users as courses are accessible to those learners and who have progressed to the next level. So again, if you think about, um, uh, sales training, right, sales, highly competitive, and I don't do sales training personally, but I've taken bunches of sales. Shouldn't have done it for years, but the competition amongst those people, even though they're, I mean, sales is a little bit different, but the, the, that concept rings true through all business. Speaker 3 00:11:32 Like sales are, are hyper competitive, but people still like to feel like they're achieving something in a work environment, makes them feel good when they've had leave, achieve more levels because they see it on that scoreboard. And it's not like they're walking around a super, you know, kind of maybe they are, I don't know, throw it, you know, it really I'm proud of that achievement. So it's got that people try to attain, it really brings in other, uh, um, layer to that gamification. So this type of hidden content then sparks the interest, giving learners that much needed boost to interact with the gamification and then, and the training software more often. That's really what we're trying to do. So if you can have the points and the levels, it increases engagement and potentially course completion. Cause that's, that's a whole other conversation altogether. What do you guys think about levels? I mean, Speaker 2 00:12:24 Yeah, again, I think it's a concept that we're all familiar with because I mean, if you think for instance in our company, maybe you have a level one, two and three of again, a sales person, right. And something that, again, that is a pattern that we've created in society and other things that when we tie it back, you just, you want to shoot for that next level and it gives you a, a short-term and a long-term goal. Uh, so however you're wired, whether you want that instant gratification or you're looking for that long-term thing, it just gives that learner, I think, both options. So, um, again, uh, another, a little bit, a little bit more high or advanced, I guess, compared to just the score, but, um, another thing to shoot for. Awesome. Speaker 3 00:13:14 Yeah. I think, I think they all, um, depends on how your system is built out. Like every learning management system has varying degrees of gamification. Right. Um, so it's not all gonna look the same, but the, I, the idea, like you said, James, is that, that score that you're talking about with scoreboard can be an accumulation of points and levels. Right. Um, the other one is badges. People love that badges or trophies. Right? Speaker 2 00:13:42 Yep. Love it. Speaker 1 00:13:44 I like how it's all being tied into really, and I'm being very serious. Our next generations. I mean, my grandchild can get on a tablet or a game and do things that I could never do in their hand, eye coordination and your ability to navigate I'm I'm amazed. And I think that, you know, tying it this way, you know, for the potential third generation, um, in your family to be in the safety business, I mean, it's kind of teed it up for that. Speaker 2 00:14:15 You know, it's funny that you say that because I was going to mention our, I was going to ask Jay what his perception was. Um, so, and this will lead in, well, Jay, to our, to our last kind of section about VR is when we rolled out VR to our industry, you know, we had a lot of people kind of scratching their heads, right. They're like, ah, don't play those games or, you know, Oh, my grandson has that or whatever it might be. Right. And I, and I would have to level set people and say, check this out though. I know what you're thinking, but the minute you put this headset on and look around, you'll understand what I'm trying to get across. Right? Like your, your idea of this will change. And right now you're thinking it's a video game. And so I'll immediately, it's going to help out those young generations coming in. Jay, what is your feeling? And what have you seen in the industry, especially damage prevention, but you know, as a whole, um, how do you think people, are they receptive to gaming gamification? Or is it, ah, that's that's for the kids type of deal? You know what I'm saying? Speaker 3 00:15:24 Well, that's interesting. Is that because the name itself that's, you just nailed it, is that it, they automatically think, Oh, I don't want to be playing a game. Right. This is serious. Right. This is the, you know, I'm trying to learn how to, you know, get within a tolerance zone though, you know, severing a fiber optic line, whatever. Right. So, um, you know, they, they get that, your battle that you're having is, is a common Donald like that we have to is that you have to educate folks, be like, Hey, it's not, you're not going to be, um, I mean, you can have Speaker 2 00:16:00 No, you're not, you're not going and shooting villains. You know, you're still doing the same thing. We're just taking the report in the backend, adding it up and making I'm making some things happen. Right. So exactly. I just wondered if you guys, in rain into summit, once we get past that hurdle, it's funny how receptive everyone is though. And that was the same way, Jim, you, you had to done that. How much for the first time when it was VR, let's take it to the VR realm. You're dong it for the first time you had a, you had a vision in your head of what this thing was, and then you put it on and everything changed. And your mind races with possibilities of, we can put people in dangerous situations. We can, you know, we can really go after AFCs in an aggressive fashion for the first time. Like they have the freedom to fail. You know, these things immediately start happening in the mind. Gamification, we got to get people there and it might've been J you might've known it. Might've been the misnomer of, of, we call it gamification. I just called it like, um, budgets or, you know, some boring somebody would've been like, Speaker 3 00:17:14 Yeah. So budget sounds super interesting. Speaker 2 00:17:20 No, no offense to all the budget, people, accounting. We love them Speaker 1 00:17:26 Passionately. Um, but it beams seriously. My generation, that to us was foreign. And until we try it, and then all of a sudden we understand it and see the value and that freedom to fail. That was an actual senior vice president for a major utility that has over 13,000 employees. And he was in charge of safety. And he brought that to, we were talking one day and like gives them freedom to fail. They mess here, you know, once he understood, he goes, I'd rather him fail in a virtual world. Then before they go out there, potentially something bad could happen. Yes. And, um, I have to say, that's my generation because we're not used to it where other generations, you know, they, they, they have cell phones at five. They have tablets at three, they're doing all this stuff. And to them, it's second nature. It's like, why wouldn't we do it? And we're getting there, we're getting there. And if I could do it, anybody can do it Speaker 3 00:18:17 Exactly great point. And you know, don't give yourself, don't do yourself a disservice there, Jim, you're a very, uh, knowledgeable man, but you're right. You nailed it. As some people have the, the version or the, the, the belief that it's going to be difficult or challenging or some, something really hard to learn. And in reality, it is, I mean, obviously it's our jobs as organizations to train these people in a way that they understand how to use it right out of the gate in an efficient manner. Um, but yeah, you nailed it. It's just about saying, Hey, actually, it's not that bad to check this out, interact with this. Uh, and you'll find that it's not, as, it's not as challenging, um, as you think, Speaker 1 00:18:56 And it's fun and it's learning and the whole bit, James, can I ask a favor of you today? Would it be possible for myself to ask a very important one of the final? Speaker 2 00:19:08 Yeah. Yeah. Let me jump in on this one. Let me, let me ask one more thing to Jay let's move into VR since we're, we kind of just jumped right in and Jay, I am a pro at this, and that was my goal. Just to transition out of that right into the next one. I've been doing this a long time through six months. Uh, so hang with me, we talked about VR a little bit, Jay, and, um, how it's changing the ways we think about training and, um, you know, we we've, we've been big advocates. We are in that realm as well. Uh, we're working with a lot of folks on that. I think in the damage prevention world, there's a lot of opportunity there with VR. Um, I think we're nearing if we're not over the hump with, uh, the folks that we're fighting to help educate on how vital this could be to put in people and, and proper, uh, safe situations. So do you want to talk a little bit about what you guys are doing, what you're saying, what your thoughts are on VR, just as a whole, uh, in the damage prevention world specifically. Sure. And beyond. Speaker 3 00:20:21 Yeah. And then we all, I'll start by saying that we solely focus on damage prevention. We're not like we're damaged prevention experts here. Um, and we don't necessarily, when we say damage prevention as it's like, it's just utilities, but reality damage and prevention that you words. I mean, the definitions of such could include all elements of safety, but we really focus on, uh, damage prevention and the reason why just that, that drawback to the story of trying to provide it back, uh, give something back to the industry that we serve, because it's, it's a unique dynamic. So, uh, that, that said the greatest challenges that we face in damage prevention from E let's see from a one-call operations standpoint is user engagement. It is not a regulated course. It is not a mandatory course. It is, of course, there's the laws in every state, of course, like Texas or she entered. And it all changes immediate differences with tolerance zones. You've got different reporting requirements, but it's, it's dry material. I mean, you guys might have a different opinion, but it's dry material. Speaker 3 00:21:30 Right. And so the challenge is, is to it, the educate, the intended learner, like the excavators, primarily third-party excavated, but also utility operators and their locators. Um, but how do we, how do we go to the next level? You said it earlier, like w uh, e-learning or online learning is nothing new. There's just been new things added to the mix like gamification and, you know, um, instructor led training or VILT or micro learning, or all these acronyms get thrown out in the mix, virtual reality or VR AR or XR is now, it's not becoming, it's not like a year from now or two years from now. It's actually happening now across all industries. And so you're right. We are, I think we're past the hump of like people going, Whoa, what's going on, right. One because of cost, right? The technology is advanced so far, the costs have come way down now it's accessible. Right. So you can pick it up, uh, you know, an Oculus, what is it the Oculus quest to, for like, with, with 256, it's nothing. Right. Um, and then Speaker 2 00:22:40 I think that they, we finally reached a point where we're seeing enterprise models too, that are reliable, that we're being too big batching and set ups and not have to have such a manual process where you about to say that I just stole your thunder. Speaker 3 00:22:57 No, you did it exactly. You're right. Speaker 2 00:23:00 Welcome to the show. What we do. Speaker 3 00:23:03 Yes. Along the way we got to do this more often, this is a lot of fun, but this is, uh, but you're right. Um, uh, and we were experiencing the same thing cause it's, it's, those costs come down. So to those barriers of those large corporations, they look at that, Jim, like you said, the utility operator at 13,000 employees jogging virtual reality, that guy he's probably like, Whoa, all he sees is this massive potential price tag of pre previously, right now you can actually deploy it effectively. That's our mission with VR is, uh, there's a number of different ways to handle VR, but we're trying to find economical, an economical route to get into the day, like into the damage prevention area with this so that they, people can use it too. It's just a basic level because there's VR in, you know, with a headset and then there's VR on a mobile device we're in. Speaker 3 00:23:56 So our goal is to say, okay, so VR, you know, yeah, it's got a game of vacation, but, um, the reality is, is that what you want to do is transport that learner or that worker into the scenario, right? Uh, because you cha you train a guy online with images and stock images and videos and animations. That guy is not seeing the actual work site take, take that guy to the worksite where he's going to be working on where there's overhead power lines, excavations, hazards, vehicular stuff going on. I mean, that is real and becomes easier to train that person. And then the retention level was way up, like way up and the engagement goes way up. So then it's a victory essentially for all across the board, the trainers, the company and the employees. Speaker 1 00:24:41 Yeah. And that, that aspect though, I keep going back whenever we talk about cost and safety in the same breath, you know, I, I think about it may seem, I don't know what the right word I'm looking for, but when you think about somebody's safety, whether they can prevent themselves from just cutting their hand or a vehicular, uh, backup, you know, uh, anything you think about it and start to add up all that lost time, you know, medical expenses, all those things for an organization. Let's just say an organization that has 10,000 people in it. That's cat. That's a lot of, that's a lot of time and money that could be potentially saved by having a very proactive safety, culture and safety program. And this gamification guys, I got to tell you, it's drawn me and I want to play it. Right. I mean, I want to get to level, you know, I want to get to level 24 or whatever the level it's, I'm not gonna say competitive, but it's like, it's, it's a challenge. And it's a fun challenge. So Speaker 3 00:25:43 Yeah. Especially in big teams, Jim, like you have big teams, it's competitive, right? Like even though maybe, maybe they're not all commission-based, but they're still performance based and they're still pay, pay raises bonuses, things that people get for working harder for educating themselves. But it's also an individual thing as companies. We have to remember these folks that work for us, uh, are also human beings that have visions and dreams and goals. And it's not just ours. We're not just trying to funnel them up through our channel to get them, to get us where we want to go. They also want to be educated, learn, grow, earn more, spend more time with their families. So there, these are that gamification element leads back to them, bettering themselves, uh, for their futures and the company themselves. Speaker 2 00:26:35 I'm just going to add one cherry on top of that. And that's we went to PHIMS those, um, training center in city a couple years back, and we brought VR to a bunch of their, uh, trainers inspectors. And, uh, we, we were reviewing and we had a room full of probably 15 people or so, and we have video of it. We show it when we talk about VR, because I think it personifies it well it's we had about 15, 16 people in a room and they were all running through it and they were cheering for each other and high five. And, and I said, when was the last time you went on ILT or a CBT, or you fill in the blank where somebody was cheering or high five, you know, you're more worried about keeping everybody awake, right? Speaker 3 00:27:22 Just the sermon with the coffee, right. Or the right? Speaker 2 00:27:25 No doubt, Jimmy, why don't you, uh, do the honors today? Speaker 1 00:27:29 You okay with me doing it today? James? That's a little mixed up. So look it is the holidays. Speaker 2 00:27:36 Yeah. Well, this'll be our Christmas weekend. Speaker 3 00:27:40 I had an ugly Christmas sweater on and a sad to have for your voice today, but we'll need to take it off. Okay. Speaker 2 00:27:47 Wow. You should have wished for something better. Speaker 1 00:27:53 Jay. This last question is riveting. It's going to take you a while to think about it. So prepare yourself mentally and emotionally Jake, Speaker 2 00:28:03 You should, uh, Jim, I think you should do it like your best Minnesota Maxim. I agree. Speaker 1 00:28:08 Oh yeah. Yeah, sure. They're all full don't you know? Yeah. We're going to have a little Luda Fisk. I'm ready there. Y'all all ya'll shirts. That's what Alberta clipper coming in and assessment one screamer. Oh boy, we got to get the housing. Let's go love it, Jay. It's going to be a hard question there. Don't you know, <inaudible> I got to know, Jay, do you love what you do? You love what you do. Wow. If I have to translate that, I was asking you, Jay, do you love what you do? Speaker 3 00:28:42 Well, that's a tough one. I mean, I don't, I don't know how to answer. Of course, you know, it's funny. Uh, I absolutely love what I do. And, and maybe it shows in this meeting or this call. It does. Uh, but you know, if you talk to anybody that I deal with, it's just that I have a huge passion for it. I, um, even right down to the granular stuff, like customer service inside of our system or, or support, I'm like jumping in there all the time, because I love the people that we serve. I love to train people. And I, at the end of the day, um, it's not about the money. Money is just a by-product of the services that you provide in the value you provide. But I really feel good about what I do when I know if we don't know for a fact, but if I have a small impact on somebody that, that doesn't get injured or get in an accident or we're causing environmental contamination, or God forbid a, a death, if I could just prevent that, uh, not that gives me the drive to just keep, keep turning burn and just keep going. Speaker 3 00:29:44 Right? Yeah. Speaker 1 00:29:47 A great answer. And it, and it games, you agree with me? I mean, he was bleeding out all Speaker 3 00:29:54 Awesome. That's why we pick the good ones. Well, Hey, I got to go back to something guys. Cause it's yeah, I got something back. I wanna, I want to hear this because it was on your agenda sheet. Um, there was a huge discussion around our kitchen table last night with our kids and my wife and we were all laughing our faces off, trying to be scared. And we figured out a trick. So I want you to say Irish wristwatch three times Speaker 1 00:30:23 Irish, wristwatch, Irish, wristwatch, Irish wristwatch. So audience, we put that on the, we have a little flow sheet and somebody taught us and James, I can't remember who, but they said Speaker 3 00:30:41 Go guys. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:30:43 But anyway, it's supposed to coordinate your brain and your mouth. So you can say words articulate, and we forgot to do it today, but yes, it's a, it's a pretty good little trick. Speaker 3 00:30:53 We, we, it was a tongue twister, my eight year old, nine year old, my 15 year old, my wife, we were all laughing and trying to say this thing. I figured out finally that if I said it really angrily, like I was angry, I could say it really fast, but I won't do that today for this call. Irish wristwatch, Irish. What's going on with Jane next door. He's been yelling for like 30 minutes. <inaudible> I love it. I love it, man. It was a good time. We're glad and wrong. Jamella to take it home. You're really good at that part. Speaker 1 00:31:35 Absolutely. On behalf of James and I thank you so much, Jay, for joining us. You're a great friend, a great comrade, great colleague. We appreciate everything you're doing in the industry to keep all of us safe or safer. We thank you, LinkedIn community. Please connect with Jay hit the connect button with him, followed the, uh, damage prevention Academy, uh, get involved, uh, ask questions, do anything he could do. And I think Jay said it best. If he could help one person do one thing safer, it's all worthwhile. We want everybody to be safe. That's the goal ultimately, of everything that we do. So on behalf of all of us today, we thank you. We will see you next time on coffee with Jim and James. And if you want to be a guest, hit us up. We're uh, you know, we'll, uh, we would love to have a conversation about that until next time. Speaker 2 00:32:24 Well, thanks, Jeff. Appreciate it.

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Episode 155

April 27, 2023 00:55:07
Episode Cover

Live @ CGA Part 2 - Coffee with Jim and James

Welcome back to PART 2 of Coffee with Jim and James Live from Common Ground Alliance 2023 in Orlando, Florida.Subscribe and listen to some...
