The APGA Fall Ops highlight is here!
Listen along as we highlight some of our favorite guests from the event.
Follow along with some of these special guests as they make an impact in our industry.
Robert Friedman- Ingevity
Stephen Mayfield- City of Tallahassee Natural Gas Utility
Taylor Browne- USDI
Steve Allen – EWN
John Olshefski- Huntsville Utilities
Daniel Flum- City of Hamilton, Ohio
Mike Jewell- City of Convington, GA
Subscribe and listen to some more great conversations about APGA and the energy industry! #CWJJ #CoffeeWithJimandJames #EWN
Tune into this week's episode of Coffee with Jim & James. This week Joe Serrett from UPSCO Inc - Connections. For Life. joins the...
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